
Our promise: Everything we offer is handmade in small batches to ensure the upmost quality and attention to detail. We use only plant based, chemical free ingredients sourced locally and use recycled and recyclable materials in all of our product packaging and shipping materials. We are an off grid operation, melting all of our soy wax and generating electricity using renewable solar energy. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee and are always willing to accept a hassle free return or exchange. Our intention is to spread positive energy and share beauty with the world.

About the artist: Hi! My name’s Melodia, the creator of Namaste Home TM. This incredible journey started with a vision to work from home after having my daughter in 2019 and an ambition to create authentic community around a unique brand using beautiful art and lighthearted humor, to connect and inspire. 
We came up with the name Namaste Home as a playful nod to the yogi homebodies of the world, like myself 🙂

First and foremost, I am an artist. You can view original oil paintings and drawings, and reproductions/prints on our separate Gallery page here —> www.MelodiaGallery.com

Namaste Home specializes in handmade, organic, aromatherapy creations. We have a bunch of different offerings at this point! All of our products are thoughtfully and artistically packaged in an effort to share more art and positive energy with the world, using everyday products as a vehicle. Each item we craft is intended for practical and everyday use while being a work of art in it’s own right.

Our first product to launch was a multipurpose cleaning spray. I ran a successful cleaning business in Boulder for many years. Our cleaning team developed our own handmade cleaning recipes, and we would combine our multipurpose cleaners with different blends of essential oils that we perfected with love over time. We wanted to leave our client’s home smelling amazing, and naturally disinfected. It was something to have fun with, be creative with, and most importantly, ensured that both us and our clients were safe from harsh chemicals and harmful ingredients. Our recipes are simple, yet effective; tough on grease and grime and friendly for use in homes with children or anywhere someone would like to make cleaning feel more therapeutic. 

Our company creates a platform for the important conversation about sustainability. Our bottles are recyclable and all parts of our product ingredients and packaging are sourced locally. We believe that as we strengthen our local community, our ability to positively impact the world is boundless.

Namaste 🙏 

View more artwork by Melodia at MelodiaGallery.com